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12 oz portions
Vacuum sealed 2 per bag.
Custom Hand Cut.
Top-graded rib eyes are super flavorful and really tender. They are the perfect BBQ steak as they can stand up well to the intense heat o...
Racks packaged individually
50 lbs
Our St. Louis ribs are guaranteed to fall- off -the bone delicious whether you smoke, grill or bake them. Just take a minute to remove the membrane from the ba...

.Vacuumed sealed 2 per bag.
AAA Beef
Custom Hand Cut.
Approx 6 lbs.
Top graded rib eyes are super flavorful and really tender.
They are the perfect BBQ steak as they can stand up well to the int...
Fire up the barbecue and get ready for our BBQ Pack for one
1 x Packs of Smokies (3-4 Each Pack)
2-4 Pack of Chicken Breasts (3 lbs)
4x 10z Striploin Steak
4x 12 Oz Rib-eye Steak
2 x Rack of Be...
Fire up the barbecue and get ready for our BBQ Pack for one
1 x Packs of Smokies (3-4 Each Pack)
1 x T-Bone Steak
1 Rack of Beef Ribs
1 x Pack of Fresh Board Sausage (Garlic)
1 x Pack of Fresh B...
Commercial Grade
A+ grade or better
12 oz portions
Vacuum sealed 2 per bag.
Custom Hand Cut.
Economy-graded rib eyes are less tender than AAA prime-graded Rib eyes typically with less fat.
Let's stock up!
10 x Lean Ground Beef - (10 Lbs)
Stir Fry Beef - 5 Lbs
8 x Sirloin Steak (10oz)- (5 lbs)
Whole Chicken (Large 5-7 Pounds)
2 x Thick Cut Bacon - (2 Lbs)
1 x Thin Cut Bacon - (1 l...
You'll never be able to eat grocery-store eggs again.
Flat of Eggs (2 1/2 Dozen)
Antibiotic Free
Hormone Free
Canadian farm-raised, grain-fed fresh ground Chicken. Perfect in burgers, chili, lasagna, pasta sauce.
Showing 10 -18 of 33 items